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Co-Sleeping :: How Did We Get Here?

If you follow me on Snapchat, you know that Reegs has made her way into our bed. Once again co-sleeping was a “When I have kids, I’ll never…” (*Remind me to never say never again.) It started with mornings. After the 5am feeding I would wave the white flag and pull her in for cuddles, and max sleep efforts. Then family visited and the air mattress took over her room. Then she started rolling, and getting her arm stuck under her. So, after going in every 5 minutes, I once again surrendered. Last week she started putting her arms and legs through the crib slats, and we decided that until her crib bumper arrives (island life over here!) co-sleeping it is. The cuddle bug is in all her glory.

Here’s the thing… I know there are two sides to this fence, but it’s working for us right now. Sure, I get the sh*t kicked out of me and my personal sleep game is often struggling, but she is in heaven. The minute she hits our bed, she lights up like the little glow bug that she is. With a smile that says, “This is great guys!” Last night my husband even joked that she was acting like it was a sleep over. “Let’s stay up all night, guys. Let’s see the sun come up!” Her smile was huge. But when I wake up and see her sleeping so peacefully, and I tell myself, “Everything is so temporary. Soak this up.”

We tell ourselves that when the bumper comes, we will stop. When she can cry it out, no problem. But who knows what the truth is. And I’m less attached to caring about it. As long as it doesn’t affect anyones health, or our marriage… whatever.

I remember asking my doctor about co-sleeping when she was a month old and she said, “Well, they did a bunch of studies saying not to, but then they realized everyone was lying. Everyone co-sleeps at some point. Just be safe about it.” So, that’s what we are doing. I’m safe about pillows and blankets. I’m cautious for sure. But I want to here from you…

When has co-sleeping happened in your house? How do you feel about it? For? Against? Slept with you baby ’til he was 11? Never co-slept one night? Send me links for and against it. Whatever you like… just remember to be nice. 

Snapchat Photos: @CandaceCottet

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