I have rounded up my top decluttering books for real-life organizing. I’ll be updating this list with every new read worthy of sharing throughout my journey to simplify my life; becoming specific with what I bring into my space and how I spend my time.
This round-up of decluttering books includes titles that inspired me to physically move, with tactical steps to decluttering. They have brought me clarity and acted as a distant coach. Before you hire out, put on an audio version of one of the decluttering books below and get your hands messy.

My Decluttering Journey
Decluttering books have altered my thought process, my finances, and my home.
To say this didn’t come naturally is an understatement. In my smallest apartments, I owned the most amount of stuff. In my early twenties, I was drowning in clothing. I have had closet bars rip out of the wall from being overloaded on a few occasions. I have owned over 45 pairs of pajama pants at one single moment in time. I would gather, but feel frustrated. This face wash, this lipstick, that vintage dress, those heels… they were supposed to make life easier. As they collected, life just got confusing and messy.
Then we had a baby. And we bought a big house. And we drove all of our stuff from our place, and all of our childhood things from our parent’s houses, and then a million boxes from storage showed up.
I couldn’t breathe.
Things looked minimal in the new house because they were spread out, but I felt that sinking all over again. I kept saying, “If we fill this thing up, we will never be free from it.” I began searching for the real answer. I found The More of Less. I don’t know how I came across it at first, but within a few pages, I could feel everything shift.
Within a year, we downsized to a smaller home, and simplified our lives in infinite ways.
I am not someone who was able to throw everything away in a weekend. To be honest, I never desired that. I have gone through my decluttering process in chunks. Trunks full and boxes at a time. The farther I go into decluttering, the less I want. And the more space we create, the calmer we are.
These books are where it began. These books are what kept me going. Sharing our decluttering tips and how we evolve down this path has been such a joy in my life.
What is the difference between organizing and decluttering?
Decluttering and Organizing are different steps to simplifying your life.
You may want to skip the decluttering process and move straight to organizing, but there is one truth you will not escape; organizing your life starts with decluttering your home. If a cabinet is over-stuffed, there is no miracle solution at The Container Store that will fix it without first getting rid of things.
You can move clutter around organizing and tidying yourself into a oblivion, but you you will not land yourself in a longterm solution to minimize clutter forever.
Why These Decluttering Books?
Over the course of two years, I have read and listened to over 20 decluttering and minimalism books. Some go off the deep end; bachelors in black t-shirts and white walls. Some felt like they were written to make a quick buck. Some went farther into religion than I was looking for. The collection I put together below is efficient, inspiring, and relatable.
Instead of getting a lot of books, Pick one that resonates with you and actually read it (or listen to it). It might sound crazy, but some of these are my favorite books of all time because of the lasting impact they have had on simplifying my life.
Where can you find decluttering books?
You’re getting rid of book clutter, so adding books to the collection worries you? I feel you. Here are a few ideas for ways to absorb these decluttering books
- Check your local library. You can check their website, or use an app such as Libby to inquire about a particular title.
- Audible. One of my favorite methods is Audible. I love listening to the book titles below when I am cleaning or packing.
- Kindle. Amazon often has lightning deals on book titles for Kindle.
- Check your local neighborhood group pages on Facebook.
- Pay it forward! Often when we are inspired to declutter, it creates a chain reaction in our friends and family. If you love a physical book, once you are done with it, declutter it in the best way – passing on the decluttering process and inspiring someone else. You can drop them off at your little free library as well and bless a stranger with some organizing tips.
5 Steps to Decluttering Your Makeup Drawer!
Shop all of my Book List on Amazon!
My Top 6 Decluttering Books in 2021
The More of Less by Joshua Becker

Reading this book changed my life. Start here! Joshua Becker started a personal blog after spending hours cleaning his garage one day. He focuses on getting rid of stuff over organizing your home.
His journey to finding the more in less stuff has changed the lives of – dare I say – millions of families. He is humble, practical, and clear; making a simple living admirable.
His books are easy to listen to, and his YouTube page is full of practical decluttering tips. His second book gives more insight into his decluttering process. I have a full post on how much this book impacted me.
Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White

Dana White has a realistic and sustainable approach to decluttering. If you are a mom with a gaggle of kiddos, you’ll love her. Unlike the bachelors imagined within minimalist living, Dana isn’t going to tell you to leave your walls bare or only have 5 black shirts, but she will call you out on the bin of random props or kids’ artwork. If you need a friendly voice coaching you through getting started, find the audio version of Decluttering at The Speed of Life and let it play! This one is a beginner’s dream. Real-life organizing at it’s best.
What Your Clutter is Trying to Tell You by Kerri L. Richardson

This quick listen (about 2.5 hours) on Audible is quick to put you in your place. As a mother of 2, the first few minutes of her being a single woman are easy to detach from. But hang tight! Kerri is about to put your money where your mouth is. The whole time was an “Oh, Hello!” moment.
It’s All Too Much by Peter Walsh

Peter Walsh does a great job keeping fresh and engaging. Whether you are picking out your first book to dive in or looking for something new, It’s All Too Much is a viable choice. For tips on decluttering with your partner, or tackling sentimental items, Peter hits on everything you need to hear for the decluttering process and has a great reference book.
This book is full of practical tips to keep you organizing your home.
*This is an Audible exclusive.
The Year of Less by Cait Flanders

Cait finds herself in her late twenties, 30k in debt, and miserable. She challenged herself to a year-long shopping ban; allowing only items on her list and consumables (toilet paper, gas for her car, etc). The shopping ban reveals the challenges she’s been facing outside (underneath?) the “stuff” and allows her to make massive changes. The book is less steps to decluttering, and more the joy found within simplifying life. Cait focuses on the path to inner calm. Solid story of her journey into less and honest reasoning for why.
Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki

Easy listening while decluttering your home! Fumio Sasaki gives clear bullet points regarding the truths and benefits of simplifying life. Read by a translator, goodbye, things can blur into the background a bit. I love that I can zone in and out while doing something else and feel subconsciously encouraged.
Fumio breaks down decision fatigue, time management, and the sheer practicality that is having less stuff. He is a little hardcore. Remind yourself to find the balance that suits YOU!