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Our Favorite Toys || 1 Year

DSC_0102 Our Favorite Toys || 1 Year

One thing I can tell you for sure is that kids pick the toys they love; not you.

There are toys that we play with everyday; and toys I swore Reegs would love and she doesn’t ever touch. The other day, I was sitting on the living room floor with her and listening to this BeatBowWow Puppy sing ‘Colors’  for the 2356934th time and I became curious… What are her top 5 favorite toys?!

(I’ll give you a hint… BeatBowWow is basically Beyoncé)

  1. BeatBowWow Puppy. My sister-in-law gave Reegs this for Christmas, and I had no idea what had just entered our lives. I’m not sure Aunt Mandy knew either. My mom laughs at me because I wish toys came in neutrals. Reegan does NOT have that wish. Reegs carries this plastic singing light up puppy with her all around the house. She claps to it, dances to it. Howls with it. I mean, this is solidified joy for Reegan. I keep it out of her room because God forbid that think makes it into her crib, I’ll be waking up to “4-5-6 it’s the new Bow Wow mix” at 3am.
  2. Books! Currently flip books and books with sliders are winning in this house, but her current favorite is surprisingly a Wheel on the Bus book with circus animals and Bad Kitty’s Tasty Treats slider book. Singing this book allowed her to learn the monkeys say Oh-Ah-Ah, so she LOVES it. My favorite books for her are ‘I Like Myself‘ and ‘Little Blue Truck‘. Go with board books!
  3. B. Toys Ribbit-Tat-Tat Light-Up Musical Drum. We went to a friends for New Years weekend and Reegan spent the entire time banging on their daughters drum pad. So I made it her main gift on her 1st birthday. She plays with it every. single. day. Sometimes we are even lucky enough to have the Ribbit-Tat-Tat playing music at the same time that BeatBowWow is singing. Maybe I have a tiny Calvin Harris in my house?

  4. Pottery Barn Grocery Cart. Like a drunk little homeless lady, Reegs will pile all her stuff into this grocery cart and run around the house. We’ve decided not to paint the entry way for a while because she just rams her cart into the walls all day. The one we have is SO cute and I can tell we will have it for years to come. Plus, it makes for easy clean up time. Just put all the little toys in the basket and – boom- done.
  5. Pottery Barn Kids Chair. I fought this one too for some reason. I have zero idea why, but I just didn’t know where to put the thing and I imagined a bright pink chair in my grey living room and said no for a year. (Maybe it’s because we lived in small apartments for so long?) So, my sister matched the couch. Yup. Both Pottery Barn, they are identical. I’m grateful my sister went the extra mile because Reegan will climb on that thing and pile her dolls on her, and it’s just so cute.


Do you have any of these bad boys?

What toys are winners in your house?

What I will say is, this stage is my favorite so far. Of course I miss the new born snuggles and the times before she tried to climb and jump off everything in the house. But watching her play and start to have opinions and an imagination is absolutely amazing. It’s just so sweet to watch her discover every little thing… like how her and this baby doll both have toes. Swoon.

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