Living in Nassau is not a permanent thing for me and my husband. We are briefly spending 3-4 years here for work and sometimes we just wish you could take the beach with you when we finally leave. You just want something to remember is all by…
A few months ago I found out about an incredible company, Dune Jewelry, and was beyond excited. In fact, keeping it to myself this long has felt like hiding a pregnancy. I wanted to wait until every one could see this post and how incredible this idea is.
When I first went on the Dune Jewelry website, I thought, “Oh, pretty jewelry. I like that bangle.” BUT THEN I realized that you can actually choose the location that the sand is from OR EVEN send in your OWN SAND. Yes. You can grab a bottle of sand from your beach wedding or awesome vacation or even a baseball field and send it in to be made into a gorgeous and affordable piece of jewelry. Including tie tacks, and cufflinks for men. All I could think about is my friend’s beach wedding in North Carolina and how I want her to have a piece of this line. I want everyone to have a piece of this line.
So, here’s how it works… You grab a bottle of dry sand and bring it home. Then you clean it out. Removing any little sea bugs or seaweed and leave it on the a towel to dry. Once its clean and dry, you put it in a baggy and fill out a simple form; letting the company know which piece of jewelry you would like and where the sand is from. Any sand not used for your piece will be entered into the sites “Sand Bank“, and accessible to others. So maybe you are thinking of a past tense event, like my friends wedding. You can look up the location and see if they have sand. And they just might! They have over 2100 locations available! Plus, majority of the pieces are under $100! Scroll to see how I submitted my own sand from Exuma, and click here to read all the details on sending in your own sand!
My pieces are from our trip to the Exumas. (See what I wore on our trip here and here!) My Bangle is from Tropic of Cancer beach and my ring is sand from a tiny nook of a back called Crescent Beach. I absolutely love them and I grabbed sand from our trip to Normandy, France and a trip to Spanish Wells, Bahamas to make more bangles. I’m keeping this baby going!
**My only wish is that they engraved the jewelry so you could remember where you got each piece from. Bangles are going to get confusing. But I’m going to take mine to a jeweler and see if they can engrave them for me.
Here Was My Easiest Way to do it With Your Own Sand…
Grab sand from you favorite beach location!
Place your sand in a bowl and add water… mix it all up and then let it settle.
Use a sifter to take out all the junk. Mine was pretty clean, however there were a few sand buggies.
Get the water out. I used a turkey baster.
Place paper towels on a pan and place the sand to dry on the towels.
Once it’s all dry, package it up and send in the form on the website!