I have been getting botox on and off since right before my wedding in 2014.
It’s not a secret. It’s my face. Pretty easy to tell.
I have an incredibly mobile forehead, as you can see below, and I didn’t want every photo to be a weird facial expression; I decided to test it out beforehand so I would know if I liked the look and wow. I do. I did. I’m NGL I’m addicted to it.
The only reason I have taken time off from Botox in the last 6 years is that I have been pregnant or nursing.
During month 6 postpartum, when everything is falling apart STILL, you really, really miss the Botox. My goal on Me & Reegs, is to share how to honestly simplify your life in all ways, and while I didn’t lie about Botox, it’s unfair to share my skincare routine and favorite beauty products and not share the easiest and favorite step of them all.
I had the same Botox questions come in over and over so I rounded them up here.
I will go into my personal experience first.

The image above is before I had ever done Botox in March of 2014. I was waiting in the office in a complete panic that I was about to look like wanna-be Beverly Hills.
As you can see I had A LOT of movement.
It wasn’t a skincare situation. I used to have acting coaches tell me not to use my forehead, and I didn’t understand how that was physically possible. Once I got Botox, I realized they just thought women’s foreheads didn’t move, when really everyone else was LOADED up.
Below is an immediate Before & After of Botox. And then Botox fully settled…

My Botox Cost Breakdown:
As of recently I have paid about $10/unit. I have paid per area before and I don’t recommend that. It added up REALLY fast and was a gut punch. My personal face and preference for a full do up is 40 units. I do that maybe once or twice a year and then randomly touch up 5-10 units every 3-4-ish months. This may not be the recommended way, but it’s the way my wallet feels comfortable.
I have gone to Groupon MedSpa‘s in the past BUT… and this is a huge BUT… ONLY GO THERE if you know someone who goes there. (I linked the one I’ve been to and enjoyed.)
Botox is NOT the place to act like a cheap idiot.

Botox Worn off
December 2014
Not as deep as before and my 11’s went away. I haven’t had them since. Even pregnant.

Botox ReDone
February 2015
Like a 1,000 hours of sleep and green smoothies.
Skincare vs Botox
I always say, you go to the dentist every 6 months, but you still brush your teeth everyday! You have a spin brush, and sensitive toothpaste, and you love a particular floss or mouth wash. It’s ALL important.
Skincare is brushing your teeth. But skincare is not going to freeze muscles. I could moisturize until I’m 90% lotions and gels, but my face is my face and it moves.
Skincare is still quality of quantity. You want a few things you love versus 1,000 cheap products under your cabinet.
I was terrified of looking like a cat lady. I recommend starting small and seeing how it looks little by little the first time. It takes about 2 weeks for the Botox to settle in and fade the movement, so you won’t know if you like it right away. In fact you’ll barely look different for days.
Slowly it just looks like you got a ton of sleep.
That’s good Botox.
I say start with your 11’s. Most people’s RBF is just a few units from Pleasantville.
I also thought it would hurt. Not at all.
Most places will use an ice machine or a face roller to distract the nerves. A few spots will make you like “oh ok!” and others will be absolutely nothing. And I have only had a tiny bruise one time.
Note about Pregnancy. You CAN NOT get Botox while nursing or pregnant. For some strange reason my Botox seemed to last though my pregnancies, but nursing I looked like I was suddenly 87 years old. It’s depressing.
Here is a picture of the 1st time I got Botox. March 2014. This is directly before and after. Still in the doctors office.

Q&A with Katey Smith!
Under the bags or sunken eyes, botox or filler?
For sunken eyes, the filler is used to increase volume and create a brighter/young appearance. Botox has been used by some injectors for under-eye bags however it is not FDA approved for that area.
If you are dealing with under eyes, see a plastic surgeon. You have very tiny and serious veins under your eye and injecting in the wrong spot can cause big problems. Plastic surgeons have vein finders. Do not do this elsewhere.
Average cost per customer.
Average cost for Botox is anywhere from $250-700 depending upon the quantity used.
** Candace: I have paid way more than that. Make sure you aren’t getting completely robbed blind. Ask around.
How often do you need to go?
Botox lasts anywhere from 3-6 months.
**Candace: Mine lasts this period. I’m so used to seeing no movement that I usually touch up my forehead earlier than my eyes. I will go LONG stretches without doing my crow’s feet because I like some facial expressions. But my forehead, freeze it up asap.
What age do you recommend?
Many younger people are starting to use Botox as wrinkle prevention however most of my clients start in their late 20’s or early 30’s
**Candace: I started in my late 20’3 because no one notices when you do it then. Nothing is that deep. But I will say, once you pop… well, at least I couldn’t stop.