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Your Child’s First Dental Appointment | What to Expect

toddler brushing teeth 2 yr dr gary simm first dentist old atlanta
Thank you so much to  Metro Decatur Dental Group PC for sponsoring today’s post. All thoughts and opinions are genuine and my own.

Children have so many firsts – their first word (Reegan’s was Meow. Naturally.), their first steps, eating real food, and of course, their first teeth.

All of these firsts are extremely exciting, and emotional. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment. SO caught up, we may (or may not) occasionally forget that we have the duty to make sure these ‘firsts’ launch us into our parental milestone responsibilities.

When your baby masters crawling, you start baby proofing the stairs, cabinets, and the fireplace. When they start on solids, you cut grapes in 4’s, you blend away, you worry about someone handing them something they’ve never had before… The list goes on.

But, then there’s those teeth. So cute and pearly white. So dangerous for nursing. And yet we can completely forget about tooth care that early on. It seems to get pushed aside for later because there is confusion about when the proper time is for a toothbrush, or toothpaste, or even a first dental appointment. We are worried that kids are going to be scared during the process, and they’ll be scarred for life.

Don’t worry. I had all of those fears.

Fortunately, I’m here to let you know that there is no reason to fear your baby’s first dental appointment.

Here is what you can expect at your child’s first dental appointment, as well as how you can make sure tooth care is a priority in your at-home life – without making it too stressful!

There’s enough on our plate as is.


Step 1 || Preparation || “Teeth Brushing! It’s so fun!! AMMIRIGHT?!”

As soon as Reegan could hold something, we started her with baby toothbrushes. First it was one we were gifted, it’s kind of like a teether with bristles, and then we moved to an Elmo toothbrush. Brushing teeth has been a part of our AM/PM routine, and it’s one thing we are strict on. Which there are few things if I’m being completely honest. But teeth. We love teeth. We read teeth books. We get INTO IT. We brush as a family like a Saturday morning cartoon.

Brushing teeth in front of our children can be extremely beneficial. Just like anything else, Reegan is a little parrot sponge and she loves nothing more than finding all our toothbrushes and telling us it’s our turn.  It’s a great opportunity to have them mimic a positive mindset about taking care of yourself and your teeth… and in turn going to the dentist.

Step 2 || Scheduling || “When do we really NEED to go?!”

Before you go, your first question is probably “When do we actually need to go? Is this a thing?” Don’t worry, I asked a professional.

According to First Family Dental, “The best time to start taking kids for dental check-ups is either when their first tooth erupts, or right around their first birthday. (I had the same reaction.) While some pediatricians do a basic check in the mouth, not all do, and dentists are trained to immediately identify any potential issues with the growth and development of the jaw and soft palate. Baby teeth are more porous and susceptible to decay than adult teeth, so early intervention is critical to help ensure those tiny teeth stay healthy. If your child is a little bit older and hasn’t yet had their first dental visit, it’s never too late.  Bring them in as soon as you can! We also recommend that parents start brushing their child’s teeth as soon as they start coming in, using a soft bristled or baby-safe toothbrush and plain water. The easiest way to create healthy, lasting tooth brushing habits is to start early and be consistent.” (First Family Dental, 2016).

Can we talk about mind blowing?!

We went the week Reegan turned 2, but I’ll be signing Julia up for that early appointment.

Step 3 || Finding a Pediatric Dentist || “But Who??”

Ask around!!!! It’s 2018. This is what Facebook mom groups, Yelp, Google, and friends are for.

A huge part of a stress-free appointment is choosing the right dentist. While you may have a great experience with your dentist, they may not know a lot about child dentistry. They should be familiar with pediatric dental techniques and they should be specifically trained on working with children. There are so many dentists that offer child dental exam rooms, post-visit rewards, and other fun ways to make the experience more child-friendly and less scary!

Dental care is important, so it’s worth the time to ask around and research offices just like you did with your pediatrician. It’s more than vanity. In fact, Metro Decatur Dental Group PC says, “Teeth cleaning is a routine part of a dental checkup, but you may not realize how important regular teeth cleaning can be for your overall health. Medical studies have shown that good oral hygiene not only helps prevent tooth loss, but can prevent heart disease, dementia and issues of diabetes, as well.”

Step 4 || The Dental Appointment || “Today’s the Day!”

To toot our own horn, I think our dedication over time made going to the dentist interesting to her. As we sat in the waiting room, I told her this is where daddy and mommy go. I told her the dentist was going to count her teeth – “How exciting we can all count together!” And I amped up the freebie toothbrush. **I suggest checking with your office to see if they have children’s toothbrushes otherwise  BYOB (Bring Your Own Brush) to surprise them with.**

The first dental appointment should start with a fun and friendly meet and greet! A good dentist should typically introduce themselves, and tell you what is about to happen. You’ll probably be more nervous than your little peanut. Know that you should always be allowed in the room and even comfortable sitting in the chair with your baby. I did. I laid down and then Reegan laid down, her back to my belly. I honestly didn’t even ask.

Before doing anything with their ‘tools,’ your dentist can show your children what each tool does, or at least explain what it does so that it does not startle them. You know your child and if that would be helpful or not. Trust your mama gut.

Depending on how many teeth they have, your dentist may just look into your child’s mouth to take an assessment. With Reegan’s first visit they brushed her teeth, took a look around, and counted them. Plain and simple. And after a few newbie nerves, Reegan did great. They even gave her a Poppy toothbrush that we had to hunt down on Amazon and buy a multi-pack of because it’s the one “the dentist uses”.

At the end of the appointment, just make sure to bring on the applause. However it went – that kid did an awesome job and you are so excited for them. And you did a good job too, mommy. Treat yo’self.



If you have any questions or nervous comment below or shoot me a Direct Message on Intsagram. I’m here for you and hope this helped!!

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Dr. Gary Simms, DDS with Metro Decatur Dental Group PC is a pediatric dentistry specialist and ensures that you and your children receive a thorough dental cleaning, as well as tips to fight plaque and tartar at home. If you are in the Atlanta area, Dr. Gary Simms is most known for his calm, caring demeanor, which is just what a child needs when it comes to their first dental appointment.




**Located out of DeKalb County, Metro Decatur Dental Group PC is a full service dentist that can provide not only pediatric dental care, but many other services such as basic teeth whitening, cleanings, fillings, root canals, and veneers, as well.

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