I fought this Revlon One-Step hairdryer for a year.
For a year, I saw friends post about how easy it was to use, but I NEVER do my hair so $59 felt steep to me.
One night, two kids in, and dying to just make my hair lay right, I ordered it for pick up at Target. I decided that buying it there meant I could try it and if I hated it, back it would go.

The dryer brush hasn’t left my bathroom counter since.
I don’t even put it away.
My hair dries naturally pretty straight. But I get creases in it, it’s frizzy, and I sweat in my sleep. On weekdays we need to be out the door by 7 am. I can use the Revlon One-Step to either dry my hair from scratch in 7 minutes or to touch it up after a ponytail. Sweaty from the gym, or just living in Florida? You can dry that sweat in to delay a wash. Both ways have made my life easier.

I would use a heat protectant on wet hair. The Revlon gets really hot and I only like using things full throttle. I use a L’Oreal quick dry spray, but there is a range out there you can choose from.
I can use the Revlon One Step dryer and styler with one hand while holding a baby, with a toddler hanging on my legs. That’s they kind of product I need in my life.
If you don’t have one, click here and order one for pick up. Try it out for yourself. You’ll love it just like everyone else on the internet.
And if you are looking for a gift for your mom, friend, sister… heck a baby shower. Grab N Go. Everyone will thank you later.
See how I use the dryer brush for touch ups in my daily routine here on IGTV:
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