It’s been a few years since we left LA, as an engaged couple, and while it feels like yesterday, I’m also light years away from where I was there. Emotionally, leaving LA I was a train wreck. I had no identity outside of wanting to act. No self-worth without validation from others. And heavy, heavy fears of what was next for me. But I knew, even through the legendary meltdowns, I was going in the right direction.
Jeff and I have lived a lot of life living 3 years in The Bahamas. A wedding, a miscarriage, a baby… and just like that it’s time for the next chapter.
We are so excited for what’s next, but I want to take a moment to be take in what I have learned here.

Give it to God.
I can not tell you how many times I have said that in the past year or two. We didn’t get to choose our next city. We put in a list of ten places, most of which I have never even been to and some of which horrified me, and then the government chose. It was gut-wrenching. For months. A few days after Reegan was born, Jeff found out that 3 of those cities needed to be Mexican border towns. We both panicked, but we also knew God has led us right so far, and so we just kept telling each other “Give it to God”. We got Atlanta, and we both are so beyond excited to raise Reegan there. Give it to God has become my daily motto.
Find Your Tribe. Love Them Hard.
Moving to another country is scary. (Luckily we did it together.) When we got here everyone was so nice. And slowly you find your people. Our LA tribe, as well as our Syracuse, FSU, Miami, and Atlanta friends, have stayed in touch. In each place, you need the people in your life that just get it. I’ve learned that, where ever you go, there’s a tribe for you. (Location-wise or finding your friends in similar life situations.) And that doesn’t mean you have to throw the past away at all, be grateful for all of your war buddies. I was once told that finding true friends, is like finding gold. I agree. Friends are the family we choose. I feel so blessed for the people in my life.
**I’ve also learned that with true friendships, time, and space will never tear you apart. Whether I saw people last weekend or two years, ago… I love them the same.
Put in the Effort.
Knowing the friends and family that have stayed in touch with us, we try to do the same for them. I’ve really learned how to put out the effort here. And have also learned not to beg for what just isn’t there (*You either want it, or you don’t*). Especially, now with Reegan. Taking trips to Miami, and Tampa frequently to see the family has been a priority. Out in LA, I was very much in my own bubble, but with a wedding and a baby, I have really grown to love those lazy couch days with family and friends. It has all made texting pictures and making those trips vital. And soon, in our new home, I can’t wait to throw the holidays for the ones I love.
You Either Want it or You Don’t.
I first said this about the $12 Oreos here (you can not imagine how much we talk about the inflated food prices on the rock), but in the past three years, I have learned that it goes for everything. Leaving LA I no longer had a job. But I figured it out. I wanted it. First was FromCtoC (my OG blog), then I got to freelance for a PR agency which gave me the chance to work NYFW and eventually go full time. The bandaid was rip off and living here taught me that if you want to create a life you love, you can. But no one is going to hand it to you. All you need is wifi, a dream, and some major heart.
Where Ever You Go, There You Are.
When I was leaving LA, I asked my acting coach, if I could get to Atlanta, did he think I would do well there. He said, “where ever you go, there you are.” At the time he was telling me to put in the work. If I am dedicated to the craft, I will find work. Here. There. Wherever. If I don’t, I won’t. You are who you are, where ever you are. Once again it became true for all aspects of my life. The first thing people say to me when I say I live in the Bahamas is, “OMG!! That’s amazing, you live in paradise.” Well, paradise can become hell REAL QUICK. You need to be happy with yourself because once the music stops and you are sitting on the same rock for a while, all your demons come to the surface. Once I found that happiness (and it took a while) inside myself, I didn’t care which of those spots we got at the end of the day. I learned that as a family we are happy, and where ever we go… that will continue.
Time Flies.
I have no idea what’s next, but really no one does, but I’m excited to find out.

On Me :: Romwe Pineapple Shirt || Lucky Brand Shorts (old) || GAP Sunnies
On Reegy :: Carter’s Eyelet White Tee || Old Navy Shorts (Also sold in Red and Gray for $3.99!)
the post is original from 2016 but has been updated and recirculated.