Packing a house for a family of 4 can be a BEAST. 4 months ago, I came home from a work trip and decided to sell the house. Not just sell the house, but to cut our space in HALF.
In doing so, I set off a massive purge that had been a steady trickle up until then. We made a firm decision that this time, packing up would be organized and specific.
Backstory: We have moved 4 times now as a couple, and before that, I moved every year from 18-24. I have packed A LOT.
Across the country, internationally, and down the street.
Moving from The Bahamas to Atlanta, Georgia we had professional packers come. And by professional, I mean incredibly fast. But there was ZERO organization. Entire living room drawers were dumped into paper and wrapped in a box titled “things”. I swear to you that it is not an exaggeration.
It was a nightmare to unpack.
What You’ll Need!
Packing Tips to Keep You Sane

Packing is ALL in the preparation.
Facebook Marketplace is HOT for Boxes.
I love Home Depot, but DO NOT spend $75,000 on boxes. It’s terrible for the environment and there are a million other things you can do with that money.
Some people are offloading boxes for free on Facebook, and some are actually rotating boxes as a small business. Either way, we got our hands on wardrobe boxes for $0-5/a box. They are normally $10+ a box. That’s a HUGE saving.
**Use wardrobe boxes for closets. Coming in and moving hangers from the boxes to the closet rod is an unpacking miracle. It gets stuff out of the way quickly. Also… NOW is the time for making all of your hangers match. It makes a massive difference.
I have honestly no clue how many boxes we used (I lost track at 50+), but you need a bunch. And you don’t want that expense to be scratching at you during an already stressful time.

Pack Like With Like
Think Marie Kondo. When you are packing, you may think to go room by room. For clothing that’s great, but for decor – pack like with like.
Your new home with not be decorated exactly the same. And when you want to decorate the new mantel or hang a picture in the hall to make is feel homey right away, you don’t want to go through 130 boxes to find something.
When it comes to candles, picture frames, vases, etc pull all of those items into one room and pack them all together.
This is also a reality check. You may not feel like you have that many picture frames. Then you see them all on one floor and you are shocked.
Use Blankets, Comforters, Sweaters, and More as Paper!
You will go through ROLLS of bubble wrap and paper if you use it. While it’s necessary for somethings, I wrapped all of our picture frames in throw blankets and sweaters.
Fold them up like a present. Think tight! You will be killing two birds with one stone.
We have not had even one item broken in the last 3 moves doing this.

Color Code It!
Movers are trying to go quickly. If you are paying by the hour (which I don’t recommend) you want them to be streamlined. Labeling is great, but the reused boxes may have others labels on them. AND you don’t want to have to stand at the door all dang day. Especially with kids.
I picked up some neon-colored paper at Target and narrowed the spaces down to lessen confusion.
We had Girls Room, Kitchen, Garage, Family Room, and Master.
That was it.
From there, I can figure out bathrooms and closets. The movers need to know upstairs or downstairs, left or right. Still write the Girls Room, Kitchen, Garage, Family Room, and Master titles on the color paper.
Then place a piece of coordinating paper in each room. I used painters tape and placed one on each wall.
Micro and Macro Labeling!
Now that you are color coding (Macro), allow for Micro labeling in the corner of the paper.
This is where I would write “Candace’s shoes”, “Master Bathroom products”, “Outdoor Toys”; so that once in the house, I could find something if I was looking for it that first weekend.
If it was ultra important, it was packed in a suitcase and put in our car. the movers didn’t touch it.

Line it Up!
Line up those labeled boxes in a garage or bedroom. Even a corner of the living space. Lining everything up will help the movers as they load and unload the boxes.

Get the Kids Involved!
Sometimes our (my?) nature is to shelter the kids from big changes we assume they can’t handle. Getting Reegan involved made her understand the process and feel in control of herself within the move.
I did dotted letters and handed over the marker to allow her to trace, and label the boxes. Not only was it fun to watch her learn her letters, but I was getting something done, and she could recognize her handwriting on the boxes.

Pack Your Essentials As You Would For a Weekend Vacation
Pack a getaway bag or suitcase for each family member. That goes in your car or on the plane with you.
Your essential need items should not be in a box. I am the type of person that starts unpacking that day, and I don’t rest until we are unpacked, and I STILL am not that savvy.
Kids should pick a few favorite toys and books to come with.
Listen to Minimalism Audibles
A little offbeat, but I would listen to Minimalism podcasts and audiobooks while I packed drawers, closets, and the basement.
It reminded me to focus on what I wanted to BRING IN to the new home, rather than panic over the amount of our belongings or feel tethered to material things.
A move is a large step in creating a life you love. Don’t do that haphazardly.
Be specific with your time, space, and energy.
Give yourself the due diligence to ask yourself if you like it, need it, use it…
My List of Favorite Minimalism Books!
And lastly…
Pay Attention to What you Unpack LAST
Those last 3-4 boxes of toys the kids never asked for, or those old sweaters from high school…
Maybe you aren’t THAT attached to them? Maybe let them go?
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